Análise da NCD Alliance e Linguagem Sugerida: Declaração política preliminar para HLM de 2018 da ONUFórumDCNTs17 de nov. de 2019 This paper provides a detailed analysis by the NCD Alliance of the current Zero Draft elements paper for the Political Declaration, and includes the NCD Alliance’s suggested edits and language per paragraph. This paper is aligned with the NCD Alliance “Priority Recommendations” paper, which summarizes the priority commitments that the NCD Alliance is requesting Member States consider for inclusion in the final Political Document. Both documents are based upon extensive consultation with our civil society network. The NCD Alliance suggested language draws heavily from language previously agreed by Member States, including 2011 and 2014 Political Declarations; and builds upon the bottlenecks and priorities identified in the 2017 UN Secretary General Progress Report on NCDs and the WHO Global Independent High-Level Commission on NCDs Report. Para saber mais, acesse.
This paper provides a detailed analysis by the NCD Alliance of the current Zero Draft elements paper for the Political Declaration, and includes the NCD Alliance’s suggested edits and language per paragraph. This paper is aligned with the NCD Alliance “Priority Recommendations” paper, which summarizes the priority commitments that the NCD Alliance is requesting Member States consider for inclusion in the final Political Document. Both documents are based upon extensive consultation with our civil society network. The NCD Alliance suggested language draws heavily from language previously agreed by Member States, including 2011 and 2014 Political Declarations; and builds upon the bottlenecks and priorities identified in the 2017 UN Secretary General Progress Report on NCDs and the WHO Global Independent High-Level Commission on NCDs Report. Para saber mais, acesse.
OMS lança plataforma GIFNA com políticas e ações de alimentação e nutrição; Brasil é destaque no "Score Card" sobre ingestão de açúcares no mundo